So, as I was perusing my shelves for something I haven't read recently while I wait for library holds to arrive, I found Better Homes and Hauntings by Molly Harper lingering unobtrusively on one of my shelves. I have no idea where I got this from. There are no library stamps or barcodes, no price tags affixed to the UPC... We'll just assume it was a gift of the collection Gods and run with it.
Which is a good thing, since it turned out to be a fun yarn that proved women can be just as pop culturally geeky as men. We open on Nina, a who runs a landscaping business in Rhode Island, arriving at Crane's Rest, an estate granted by the governor on a spit of land/island a ferry's ride away from Newport. Nina is accompanied by Cindy, the interior organizer, and her employer's best friend, Jake, who is doing the architectural design as part of the restoration. Her boss, Deacon Whitley, runs EyeDee, a Facebook style company he founded after graduating from Harvard. Problem is, the estate is haunted, and the Whitley family is cursed, all because of the unsolved murder of his great grandmother Catherine, presumably at the hands of his great grandfather Gerald. Part of the process involves everyone living on the island during the renovation, despite the fact the work crews have a tendency to get spooked by cold spots and phantom bodies appearing on the widow's walk.
Since this is light paranormal romance, we get various combinations as the couples work through their various issues on the way to couplehood, but we also get ghostly visitations, visions, and a mystery as to what happened and WHY.
It wound up being very entertaining and readable, and I'm sad that this seems to be a stand alone novel, since I'd love to read more about these characters.
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