Friday, December 1, 2017

He's the man, the man with the spider's touch

So, Moonbreaker by Simon R. Green is pretty much exactly what I expect out of a paranormal James Bond novel, particularly one in his Secret Histories series.

Which is to say, over the top, cheeky, and really entertaining.


So, at the end of the last one, we found Eddie Drood poisoned by Dr. DOA, who was actually an alternate reality version of Eddie from a reality where the Drood were exterminated. Eddie wound up trapped with Molly Metcalf in said alternate reality while his alternate self went to Eddie's normal reality.

Several things happen here. We find out the alternate Droods worshiped Kali, in the sense that the Thugees in Temple of Doom worshiped Kali. We also find the alternate hall has an alien Grey who's actually a robot from the future trapped in that version of the Old Library.

They eventually get back to Eddie's original relaity, and the chase is on for Bad Eddie. Well, after dealing with the Hall releasing parts that have been cut off from reality for a while. Like the parts with the alchemically married to demons Droods. And the alchemically married to angels Droods.

Then it's off to Scotland and the Museum of Unattached Oddities, Siberia, and THE MOON!

There's quite a bit going on here, and the fur keeps on flying from start to finish, with occasional meditations on family obligations and how much one should acknowledge bad things done in the past. As an added bonus, the teaser for the next book reveals that it will be narrated by both Eddie and John Taylor (narrator of the Nightside series). That should be interesting.

So yeah. One of the better entries in the Histories.

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